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My Grandmother

A portrait of personality and physicality



My grandmother was a story-teller, filled with humor and mischief. An Icelandic woman with magically creative hands. She inhabited a small and vulnerable body, but her soul was strong. Her heart beat stubbornly till the very end, her veins transparent in her final hours, a beautiful system of interconnecting pathways manifesting the beauty of the human body, shutting down to rest.


The exhibition represents my recent works where I mix different materials, colors and methods, which seemingly do not fit, but together create a coherent whole. The materials are not exotic, they are everyday things found in the home. The works are reflections of family and motherhood, as manifested in my grandmother and women coming together to create with their hands, the momentary joy of togetherness.


I present to you a portrait of my grandmother, of my memories of her; a celebration of her existence and of the experience of losing her. I deconstruct and reconstruct using diverse materials, mix different colors and fabrics to create a new reality from disarray. I destroy to rebuild a portrait of her failing body, creating new memories of her, in another dimension. The works are my way of saying goodbye to my grandmother, but remaining forever connected to her. 

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